
Friday, August 11, 2006

8-11? Crackos...u r all 1 month early

19 of the 24 individuals linked to alleged terror plot to blow up airliners named by a Bank of England Notice (dated 11-August 2006):

1. ALI, Abdula, Ahmed
2. ALI, Cossor
3. ALI, Shazad, Khuram
4. HUSSAIN, Nabeel
5. HUSSAIN, Tanvir
6. HUSSAIN, Umair
7. ISLAM, Umar
8. KAYANI, Waseem
9. KHAN, Assan, Abdullah
10. KHAN, Waheed, Arafat
11. KHATIB, Osman, Adam
12. PATEL, Abdul, Muneem
13. RAUF, Tayib
14. SADDIQUE, Muhammed, Usman
15. SARWAR, Assad
16. SAVANT, Ibrahim
17. TARIQ, Amin, Asmin
18. UDDIN, Shamin, Mohammed
19. ZAMAN, Waheed

According to a NYTimes report (19 suspects are identified in Britain):
"All the names appeared to be of MUSLIM origin; the suspects are all said to have been born on British soil."

Talk about biting, or rather bombing, the hand that feeds you...ungrateful isn't it?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...let us all live in peace regardless of race or religion (huh? sounds like our national pledge). I am sure the world is big enough.

Sigh...btw I am back!!!



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