
Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Thinkers 50 2003

The original global ranking of business thinkers


1. Peter Drucker
2. Michael Porter
3. Tom Peters
4. Gary Hamel
5. Charles Handy
6. Philip Kotler
7. Henry Mintzberg
8. Jack Welch
9. Rosabeth Moss Kanter
10. Jim Collins
11. Sumantra Ghoshal
12. CK Prahalad
13. Warren Bennis
14. Peter Senge
15. Robert Kaplan & David Norton
16. Stephen Covey
17. Edgar H Schein
18. Chris Argyris
19. Kenichi Ohmae
20. Bill gates
21. Kjell Nordstrom & Jonas Ridderstrale
22. Clayton Christensen
23. John Kotter
24. Nicholas Negroponte
25. Jim Champy
26. Andy Grove
27. Scott Adams
28. Richard Pascale
29. Daniel Goleman
30. Naomi Klein
31. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
32. Don Tapscott
33. Michael Dell
34. Richard Branson
35. Edward De Bono
36. Ricardo Semler
37. Thomas A Stewart
38. Geoffrey Moore
39. Jeff Bezos
40. Paul Krugman
41. Lynda Gratton
42. Alan Greenspan
43. Manfred Kets De Vries
44. Robert Waterman
45. Watts Wacker
46. Patrick Dixon
47. Geert Hofstede
48. Don Peppers
49. Stan Davis
50. Fons Trompenaars


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